[Fluxbox-users] fluxbox-wiki.org
Michael Rice
2014-06-22 17:32:54 UTC
Hello Everyone,

I currently host fluxbox-wiki.org and I am wanting to migrate the site from
mediaWiki to be either Github flavored markdown or HTML5 hosted on
github.com using github pages. I could use your help. If you have ever done
this kind of migration (or just want to help) please reach out to me. I am
not having much luck, and its taking a lot longer than I have expected it
would. Migrating the non English content is difficult for me to do because
I dont know if the formatting is getting broken when I do the migration.

I have created the following Github Org and repo:

Currently I have a test batch of HTML5 that can be seen here:
Then that same test batch as Github markdown can be seen here:

My current work flow is to export from the live wiki as xml, then using
I create a file that contains the raw mediaWiki markup. Next I use pandoc
to convert those files to markdown and to html5

for f in *; do pandoc -f mediawiki -t html5 -s ${f} -o ${f}.html ; done

The biggest problems Im having are with some of the links, and site
navigation in general.

For those interested in helping with this effort you may find the following
docker useful https://github.com/jagregory/pandoc-docker

