I also use i3 but in my laptop only. I find it makes better use of limited
screen real state. I use fluxbox for all later screen computers.
Sent from my Nexus phone ;-) because yeah... I use my phone for email.
Post by Rafael BeraldoOnce I heard a talk by maddog someone had uploaded to Hacker Public Radio
in which he said that some software isn't "abandoned" or "dead" but rather
"done". That was a really interesting point of view. So while I appreciate
@nagyt's concern, since he's considering Fluxbox for their product, maybe
it's simply finished.
I don't use Fluxbox anymore (I'm using i3 now) but Fluxbox was my WM for
three or four years. It still has a special place in my heart.
Why do you find i3 easier and better than Fluxbox?
Best thing that happened to me since kde 3.5 was abandoned
Same reason here :-)
KDE4 was a nightmare to me, so I searched for something light, fast,
stable, recource-friendly.
Use it on debian sable since (always the version in the repos)
Simple and fast
This version has a few minor bugs but works fine for me
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