[Fluxbox-users] Strange focus behaviour when using xcompmgr
2010-07-30 18:17:59 UTC

Recently I spent a moment on configuring my fluxbox desktop, and I
have a strange behaviour using transparency.

I use standard focus : click to focus. Since I use many programs at
the same time, I often have a few windows on each workspace. And
usually, when I changed workspace, one of the windows present was

But since I configured xcompmgr and transparency (which works great
!), I have a strange problem. I configured fluxbox to have
transparency only on unfocused windows. My working window is, by
default, totally opaque (255). And passive windows are only on 192 : I
can see the background through it, but it remains very useable. But
since I tweak this, when I change my current workspace, fluxbox does
not apply the correct opacity value on the working window : I must set
it manually with transset-df, or ALT-TAB twice to get it opaque again.

Maybe I just missed something ?

Thank you,
Pieter Vercammen
2010-08-01 10:24:31 UTC
Hi Anigel,

I'm having the same issue. It doesn't happen every time I switch desktops
but it happens a lot.

So I added this to line my "keys" file: "Mod1 y :ExecCommand transset-df -c
The program run with those parameters will give you a cross hair and will
unset the transparency of the window you click on.

OK, this isn't really a solution but it works for now.

This is probably a bug. but I'm not sure it originates from xcompmgr or
fluxbox so I didn't log any yet.

Hope this helps,
Post by Anigel
Recently I spent a moment on configuring my fluxbox desktop, and I
have a strange behaviour using transparency.
I use standard focus : click to focus. Since I use many programs at
the same time, I often have a few windows on each workspace. And
usually, when I changed workspace, one of the windows present was
But since I configured xcompmgr and transparency (which works great
!), I have a strange problem. I configured fluxbox to have
transparency only on unfocused windows. My working window is, by
default, totally opaque (255). And passive windows are only on 192 : I
can see the background through it, but it remains very useable. But
since I tweak this, when I change my current workspace, fluxbox does
not apply the correct opacity value on the working window : I must set
it manually with transset-df, or ALT-TAB twice to get it opaque again.
Maybe I just missed something ?
Thank you,
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2010-08-01 18:08:15 UTC
Hi Pieter,

And thanks for your message.
Post by Pieter Vercammen
I'm having the same issue. It doesn't happen every time I switch desktops
but it happens a lot.
Same here : sometimes it works, but still rare...
Post by Pieter Vercammen
So I added this to line my "keys" file: "Mod1 y :ExecCommand transset-df -c
The program run with those parameters will give you a cross hair and will
unset the transparency of the window you click on.
OK, this isn't really a solution but it works for now.
I use a similar workaround : I have a shortcut to maximize / minimze
window : I use it twice, it unsets transparency correctly.

But this is not really a solution.
Post by Pieter Vercammen
This is probably a bug. but I'm not sure it originates from xcompmgr or
fluxbox so I didn't log any yet.
I think this is fluxbox related, since xcompmgr is driven by the
window manager ?
Post by Pieter Vercammen
Hope this helps,
Now I have the confirmation I needed : I am not alone with this
strange behaviour ;-).

