Still nothing, I also added that entry to /etc/X11/fluxbox/init and
did a restart, nothing.
What's odd is that it works on my crusty old 10.04 install at the office.
Post by Sven MichelPost by ChrisI somehow killed the little pop-up box that shows the geometry of the
window as I resize it.
What is the init property to enable that?
Running 1.3.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit.
I also have this in the init
session.screen0.showwindowposition: true
That's it. Nothing more to do except for reconfiguring fbox.
Might be that you just changed the wrong file. IIRC ubuntu hides some
global files for fluxbox that are used instead of your own.
I might be also wrong.
Post by ChrisThat also isn't popping up the little box showing the position.
Was this somehow dropped in this version?
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