Could you not just customise your style of choice? It's pretty
Post by Michael M. TungHi Massimo,
you're absolutely right. I would miss Fluxbox, and therefore I
am trying to avoid any of those 'other' window managers (clunky
with lots of additional libraries)...
I did minimally rescale the resolution in X windows with xrandr,
but there is a reasonable limit, of course. Otherwise: Why have
a HiDPI screen?
Without 'HiDPI Windows scaling' a good compromise would be a
style which doubles the size of titlebars etc.
P.S.: I sent a screen photo requested by higuita, but the attachment
is large. It will take a while to pass the fluxbox-users
moderator (hopefully!).
I'm having the same problem and in the mean while I'm using another windows
manager, but I'm missing fluxbox so much.
The other windows manager fix the problem by set the "HiDPI Windows scaling"
to 2.
I did not find a similar option in Fluxbox.
Another way could be to use xrandr and the option --scale.
Post by higuitaHi
Post by Michael M. TungIt is possible to increase the fonts size with overlays, but I am
looking for a convenient way to also scale bigger the title bars
(increasing the height of the bars so that the bigger fonts fit in
I do not have a HiDPI screenm but when i increase the font size,
the height of their respective bars also increase to match the
font. Have you tried it? Can you make a screenshot if it is wrong
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