Jonathan Reed
2010-02-15 20:05:47 UTC
I'd like create a shortcut for showing the desktop and then locking my
screen but i cant seem to get the :ShowDesktop function and the :exec to
bind to a key on the same line in the keys file.
Heres what I have tried:
*Mod4 d :ShowDesktop
Mod4 o :exec Mod4 d && xtrlock*
*Mod4 d :ShowDesktop
Mod4 o :ShowDesktop :exec xtrlock
Any suggestions?
screen but i cant seem to get the :ShowDesktop function and the :exec to
bind to a key on the same line in the keys file.
Heres what I have tried:
*Mod4 d :ShowDesktop
Mod4 o :exec Mod4 d && xtrlock*
*Mod4 d :ShowDesktop
Mod4 o :ShowDesktop :exec xtrlock
Any suggestions?